The Future Think Tank is China’s most important global summit connecting thought leaders of the creative industries, science and the tech community on both sides of the Great Firewall.
Now in its third year, WISE was founded by Philipp Grefer in Beijing in 2018 to spark cross-sectorial dialogue and connect innovators from the creative community, technology & science to discuss essential questions about how we want and should live in the future.
Due to Covid-19, WISE by Day will take part mostly online (available with ticket), with some invite only IRL events in Berlin, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu and on our VR Island of New Realities. The access to latter is limited.
All about the 2020 Speakers here + Find the 2019 Review here
If you want to join the events and experiments, please drop us an email at wise@wisenotwise.com
For the 2nd time we welcome Reeperbahn Festival as a WISE partner. Chinese & European bands- and music professionals will come together in Berlin, and will meet online, in VR as well as IRL in Shanghai and Beijing.
For full WISE x Reeperbahn Festival International program go here.
Additionally, WISE invites the Chinese electronic music scene to meet on the dancefloor at Shanghai’s 44KW and Chengdu's .TAG club with both events being broadcasted by UNITED WE STREAM.
More info about Shanghai here and Chengdu here + All about the 2019 Showcases Review here
Originally our theme for 2020 was „A New China World“ and would have explored China’s cultural and technological place in the World. Then Corona happened. And while we won’t let fall those topics by the wayside, we find ourselves now in a very different situation globally.
2020 will go down in history as the year where a Virus held mankind hostage. As if stranded on an isolated island, we were not able to physically travel beyond our own vicinity. Unlike Robinson Crusoe, however, we (for now still) live on a connected Island. On a daily basis we can see globalization, its promises and discontents. We are chatting with our friends and business partners all over the world, who, like us, all are stranded on their own personal islands.
2020 will also go down in history as a decisive year if and how our islands will survive in the new geopolitical storms that are brewing on the horizon. Some might change its appearance, some might get disconnected from others, and some even might sink - literally.
But, don’t fear: Our Island is not one of doom and misery. Be sure, that whatever happens, we will dance to our hopes and strive to connect the islands and the new realities. You want to explore our special built VR Island of New Realities?
Please drop us an email at wise@wisnotwise.com
Design, Programming & Art Direction by MMS